Tuesday 9 June 2009

(How to) Get out of jail FREE . . .

This week's Bad Girls' award for initiative goes to . . .

the woman, as yet unnamed (is that because they don't know who they're looking for?) formerly on remand for fraud in Holloway and now on the run, thanks to a visiting church group. When they left the prison, she tagged on the back of the party. It wasn't until they did a roll-call later in the day, they discovered they were one resident short. I assume the authorities have checked out Hope Springs?

Now if you wrote that scenario in a book, people would say it was too far fetched. Unless Lynda la Plante wrote it . . .


  1. You're right that there are real events that are just too bizarre to be believable in fiction.

  2. Hi Kaz...just got your blog from TB so am adding rather than commenting right now ! (Eyes almost closing) But yes - folks would say it was far fetched, but that just goes to show that real life is as fascinating - or more so - than fiction !
