Friday, 5 June 2009

Who you calling a lemon-sucker, Julie Burchill?

I don't intend spending long on this because I can't always tell whether Ms Burchill is being serious, or seriously tongue-in-cheek, so I don't want to be seen to be taking her seriously in case she isn't (being serious), if you know what I mean.

In yesterday's Sun, La Burchill made a spirited defence in the case for watching Big Brother 10. She called people like me who don't watch it, "half-witted freaks" and said we BB-haters: "hate the young, the working-class, gays and trannies" and (wait for it), "people who have sex more than once a fortnight."

As a lesbian, brought up in a working-class family, who did once fall into the "young" category and who has consistently maintained connections with the g&t scene (not the drink, dearies), and furthermore, as someone who voted Nadia to win with a frequency that caused BT to increase my monthly direct debit payment substantially, I take issue with Ms Burchill's assessment of your average BB-basher.

Yes, I'll admit I enjoyed the bloody thing back in the heady days of Nasty Nick, Brian Dowling, Anna the nun and of course the irrepressible Jade Goody, when BB was in its infancy. But now the contestants are so-o-o patently obvious in their strivings for their fifteen minutes of fame, in their efforts to set themselves apart from everybody else, these desperate wannabes have made tuning in to their non-antics as bland and boring an experience as a three month vacation spent queuing in the Mont Blanc tunnel.

So then, Julie Burchill. Perhaps the real reason we choose not to indulge ourselves in this dreadful spectacle has nothing to do with the reasons you suggest. The point is, love, we have better things to do with our time. Or maybe some of us are trying to improve our sex quotient ratio.

No doubt, dear readers, you'll let me know where you stand on this issue.

PS. I'm addicted to The Apprentice - less so since Debra got the boot. But that's a whole other posting. Nick and Margaret for Parliament anyone?

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