Friday, 12 June 2009

I should learn to quit while you're ahead, love . . .

Debbie Stallard, 47, from Paignton, has got off doing community service because probation staff say her four-inch heels are a work hazard. And you see, Debbie, poor love, can't wear 'sensible' shoes cos her Achilles' tendon has shortened (through wearing stilettos for so blooming long, one presumes). Which, roughly translated, means the woman can't wear flatties cos they cause her too much pain. This is all backed up by medical evidence naturally. (It begs me to ask the question: how much money do we waste on these ridiculous proceedings?)

So the magistrates, in their questionable wisdom, relented and gave her six-month curfew order - and is the woman happy? Of course not. She thinks having to wear an electronic tag is: "a bit harsh." No, nothing to do with swollen ankles, or any other medical condition as far as I am aware.

Anyway, she's considering an appeal. No surprise there.

Meanwhile, if anyone knows of any 'community service' jobs that are suitable for women in high heels please send them to me at this blog and I'll forward them on to the relevant authorities for future reference.

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