Wednesday, 24 June 2009

I swore I'd never do this . . . but I'm going to . . .

blog about Katie (did you know her first name is Katrina?) Price and Peter Andre - but before you switch over to something more interesting like the shipping forecast - hang fire. I'll make it quick, honest.

The only reason I'm doing this is cos I'm fed up with people telling me, "you're a lesbian - so you're bound to take her side," (words to that effect.) Huh! What? Me? Blinded by my Sapphic tendencies? Okay, so it wouldn't be the first time.

I'm just surprised the marriage lasted three and a half years - I can barely put up with the bad-mannered mare's shenanigans for half an hour on TV. Pete, mate, you're made of sterner stuff than you think. So, yes, I support you. And salute you.

1 comment:

  1. Personally I am surprised it lasted 3 minutes ! Let's face it, there were always three in their relationship - Katie, Peter and the camera ...
